You are here: Home Find your Study Programme Danish National Academy of Music Esbjerg Organ/Church Music

Organ/Church Music

Master (2 years) of , 120 ECTS
Music and performing arts

Institution Danish National Academy of Music
Campus Esbjerg
Duration 2
Tuition per term (Non-EU/EAA/CH) 8716 EUR
The master’s programme aims to give you specialised knowledge, skills and competences to work as a musician at the highest level.

The master’s programme is leading to qualifications towards working as organist in major churches.

In addition to its focus on main instrument teaching and chamber music, the master’s programme also focusses on instrumental pedagogy and includes separate courses on didactics, psychology and theoretical pedagogy.

The pedagogical courses also provide teaching in PR and administration, where you will gain basic business qualifications and knowledge of fundraising, press, financial management, VAT/taxes, copyright, agreements and contracts.

Students of church music at SDMK receive teaching in both organ, choir conducting and theory (main subjects) and specialised subjects related to their individual main instruments.

During the individual teaching the main subject teacher will focus on musical and technical issues. In addition, a series of general courses will give you a theoretical foundation and help you look at music from different angles than the performing one, just as students at the programme will be introduced to administrative and PR-related aspects of working as a musician.

The organ group cooperates on concerts, study trips etc. 

Application date
Dec 01
Start date
Aug 16


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